Midwinter Introspection: Who Am I and What Do I Want?

Lately I’ve been doing a bit of soul searching. Mostly this has related to figuring out how I can do what I want to do and also what I need to do. Figuring out how, as a mother, I can fill my cup and pour from it regularly and semi-equally. A life long challenge, I can already tell.

But I have discovered some interesting things from an unexpected source. I picked up a journal at the end of December called The 52 Lists Project created by Moorea Seal. The concept is simple. There are 52 prompts, one for each week of the year, and you don’t even have to write complete thoughts, just lists.

I’ve been surprised that some of my most meaningful realizations have come from what I would have classed as shallower prompts. The ones that ask me about my goals or the happiest moments of my life haven’t inspired as much deep thought as “list your favorite characters” or “list the ways you love to have fun.”

The favorite characters one was the easiest for me to generate the list. I spend a lot of my time in the world’s of other characters. But then the question at the bottom of the page asked me to look for common characteristics among them and I realized that many of the characters that I love are rebels and rule breakers, while still being heroes. I pondered that for quite awhile.

It has always been easier for me to meet the expectations of others (what Gretchen Rubin would call an Obliger), often to the point of not doing what I’d like to do instead. So it makes sense that characters like Han Solo and Captain Kirk would be on my list. I admire those that work hard, and do good, and still do what they want.

Which actually ties in to this week’s list about the ways I love to have fun. I’m still figuring it out, but paying attention to what I like to do and making time to do those things is an important part of keeping my cup filled.

So, what about you? What characters do you admire and what does that say about you? What do you love to do for fun?